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勇士(+7.5)  vs 魔术 2007-12-04  11:30:00 勇士勝 (-) 200000 魔术 讓 7.5 球  不能修改

勇士at home, the real spead should be 勇士(-3)!!!hurry up and bet

[ 本帖最後由 l77o5twa17t3d 於 2007-12-4 10:32 AM 編輯 ]
bet on勇士勝:onion31:
u two ar too rich anyway......:019:
原帖由 felixng2007 於 2007-12-5 07:41 AM 發表
what company name should we have?
原帖由 felixng2007 於 2007-12-6 07:52 AM 發表
i am asking for 聖誕禮物 jar wor........貴族天堂 have not been doing something for a long time la!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we ar saving our energy to do something BIG!!:onion31: :onion31:

who is 上頭???

回復 #965 felixng2007 的帖子

the two how tips today is your christmas present:onion31: :onion31:
aiya.....lost lot of $$$ from 56 利物浦俱樂部:onion03: :onion03:
still $1.23 la......i dont care anymore......but alot yesterday.......sell all today already
soso boring here.........:019: :019:

回復 #1355 woofy 的帖子

hihi to u too~

回復 #1356 felixng2007 的帖子

i only bet NBA

[ 本帖最後由 l77o5twa17t3d 於 2007-12-10 01:28 PM 編輯 ]
原帖由 bourget 於 2007-12-10 01:31 PM 發表

when you see this you won't feel boring !!
stock market so slow, hard to make $$$...............

回復 #1362 felixng2007 的帖子

u too la:onion14:

回復 #1365 felixng2007 的帖子

lost alot this 2days.....