Here we go! The frog was napping in a branch when a snail slid along to interrupt its snooze

Slow and steady wins the race: The snail decides the only way to reach its destination is to slide over the frog - which takes eight minutes

What? The snail appears to pose for Indonesian photographer Lessy Sebastian's camera

Keeping quiet: The snake gently slides over the head of the sound asleep amphibian

Easy does it... The snail is one of the many types of small creatures that frogs regularly eat

Phew! The photographer says the pictures remind him of a double-decker bus
印尼攝影師賽巴斯提安(Lessy Sebastian)在雅加達的自家前院捕捉到這個罕見畫面,當時綠樹蛙正巧在樹枝上午睡,蝸牛如果想到另一邊,勢必要從龐然大物的身體上爬過才行。此外,牠還得把腳步放慢,千萬不能把青蛙吵醒,因為兩棲動物通常是會吃軟體動物的。 |