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原帖由 crazie 於 2008-2-14 07:32 發表
"Wa..ka..ka..ka..."    係我標記…唔準抄!
Wa...ha..ha..ha..  la !! hohoho
~ boyboy 俱乐部 ~
原帖由 woofy 於 2008-2-14 07:31 發表

I didn't bite you!
I released my dog to bite you!
But I only want u to bite me jar woo !!  

~ boyboy 俱乐部 ~
原帖由 geese 於 2008-2-16 07:38 發表
笑死我 ~~ 超級XX Low B 一名
HI ! Master !
HK stock market is up up for the last few days !  U must be making a lot of money !!  :onion18:
Who are u mentioning ?  Probably the new guy !!  He is funny  !
~ boyboy 俱乐部 ~
原帖由 geese 於 2008-2-16 08:18 發表
Yes ~~

admin and me won more $ $ ~~

368 ----> 4.7

883 -----> 11.14 and 11.07

41 -----> 24.7

2628 -----> 27.xx

Won real big money ~~
admin too ?  

~ boyboy 俱乐部 ~
原帖由 geese 於 2008-2-16 08:23 發表
9916 and 3638 輪先勁 !

熊證 執左 1.5 球
Is he lossing a lot b4 ?
Hoho !  Maybe I should open a HK stock acct too !!
I actually lost a lot b4 ga !!
~ boyboy 俱乐部 ~
Hello everyone !  I also swing by ............. :onion05:
~ boyboy 俱乐部 ~

回復 #7352 viento 的帖子

me slow too ! :onion03:  but looks like better than b4 a bit !!
~ boyboy 俱乐部 ~
原帖由 viento 於 2008-2-23 06:42 發表
boy boy`~~~ 你潛完水lar?
No diving la ! :onion31:
I'm always been around ga !  :onion05:
Just no speak, cos I don't know how to type chinese, and feel a little odd so no join in jar ma  !! :019:
~ boyboy 俱乐部 ~
原帖由 woofy 於 2008-2-23 06:43 發表
hello viento and boy boy!
Hello !  woofy ! :014:   
I'm here !!  
~ boyboy 俱乐部 ~
原帖由 woofy 於 2008-2-23 06:52 發表

you are the monkey boy!!
Sounds like this is a in zoo here, we got doggy, piggy, monkey, cat, rabbit ......
~ boyboy 俱乐部 ~
原帖由 feimiao0 於 2008-2-23 07:18 發表

congr to u !  :014:
Don't know u so good in writing, just like ventio, maybe u 2 are really nice match woo !! Cos both like writing  !
~ boyboy 俱乐部 ~
点解你地唔叫 boyboy ga
~ boyboy 俱乐部 ~
原帖由 geese 於 2008-2-26 09:20 發表
YES ....

Only one week in HK @@

Busy to dead ==!!
hi ! Master, u always busy ga la !!  
Just take it easy, health is the most important thing ma !! :onion14:
~ boyboy 俱乐部 ~
is here !! I bring her back la !!  
What u want ? over over !
~ boyboy 俱乐部 ~
原帖由 bourget 於 2008-3-1 05:32 發表
你偷我地D野。。。。:024: :024: :024:
what steal ah ?
I have those pic for not time ga la !   Just haven't show it b4 jar ma !!  
Your micky is also one of my collection too !!  
~ boyboy 俱乐部 ~