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原帖由 蛋~* 於 2006-12-6 09:54 AM 發表。 
i'm alrite lah~
trying to settle down~
yes ah~
he's betting horse now~
do u know one jocket fell off the horse juz now?
:-O  really??
i don't know ar because i don't know why the radio is not working now , so i can't listen now =((
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very slow ar Ed, can't chat here, :L
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saga >:D<
u r there?
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i am here la wing wing, >:D<
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wing wing, have u play pet?
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原帖由 saga2005 於 2006-12-6 04:16 PM 發表。 
i am lv91 now, very hard to raise up lv, =((
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:-O   天一  ?
so earlier lor, :-O
wanna join to play pet ma? ;))
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原帖由 天一 於 2006-12-6 04:49 PM 發表。 
hahahha.......ya loh......
cant play pet with you lah....me need to study lah......
2moro got exam, so wake up early to study.....^:)^
ok la, next time law >:D<
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天一, why after we join together, the MP less alots, almost no more??
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u don't use "魔法" ?
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i find out sth problem,
like now, i think  天一 left already, but his pet still joinning with me and fight together, but the problem is, I could raise up my lv, but his doesn't, I raised up 1 lv, but his HP is still getting down, we are the same lv, don't know why.

I think if one of partner leave, need to 解散 before leave, if not will die.
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原帖由 天一 於 2006-12-6 05:46 PM 發表。 
if 1 of the partner leave, then the HP will not recover after up level......
this is the system dont want to let all the player using the 组队 function to help other offline ppl up level..... ...
so, it means if we don't play, then need to 解散 first right?
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天一, i go home now, so, i 解散 first, >:D<  88
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sd, play pet la >:D<
no need $$ ar, ;))
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