chan200308 (型 英 帥 靚 正 chan sir)當前在線
then it will leave nobody come in lckiong 發表於 2013-12-9 06:31 PM
Oh... I don't think so... lovebearhl 發表於 2013-12-9 06:32 PM
Don't worry... Sure got ppl come 1... lovebearhl 發表於 2013-12-9 06:33 PM
恭喜!!! 時間支出收入操作chan2003084 秒前TVB 2000000 元 積分轉出 lovebearhl 發表於 2013-12-9 06:36 PM
change channel pls~~~ lovebearhl 發表於 2013-12-9 06:37 PM
第三题 Words: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N 这个英文字可获奖金1千万 1. /60p ... lovebearhl 發表於 2013-12-9 06:39 PM
You again!!!Please pass the chance to others to play chan200308 伯爵 ... lckiong 發表於 2013-12-9 06:40 PM
Give up then pass out the chance to others lckiong 發表於 2013-12-9 06:42 PM
Yup... This time almost all is Chan get it... So all wrong... I going to cut half of the money for this question... lovebearhl 發表於 2013-12-9 06:43 PM
系針對我 Anonymous 發表於 2013-12-9 09:33 PM
金額唔夠,我睇情況唔贊助 Anonymous 發表於 2013-12-9 09:31 PM
哦。。。 那么给其他人机会。。。 lovebearhl 發表於 2013-12-9 09:36 PM