4# 亞良
When you water the plant, try to water only the trunk, and don't spray them too much.
That's how it works for me.
If you see ladybirds and beetles on the plants, leave them there;
both the l ...
norman.ho 發表於 2014-4-1 09:08 AM  多謝師兄提點, 我有8棵玫瑰```其實很少打理, 連澆水都沒有, 只是開完花就CUT枝~~~小弟有個小問題請教師兄, 我有棵玫瑰死了,但是佢由死去根部再生長, 但不知幾時再出花, 謝謝你.
(norman 兄請看圖)D葉真是好難睇  |