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7400# jff6000

But how can you buy an 8X exp.card for 25 min. when i play with 8X moneycard in 生肖宮西宮 and get only 寵物幣: 437643 .....
brian123 發表於 2009-5-15 09:59 AM
u can put money from yr tvboxnow $$ to yr pet $$...
kay199143 發表於 2009-5-15 08:55 AM
i use 8x card .. click 1 time onli increase 1%.. too bad,,,..

忠誠度:100 死忠
善惡值:7 (渾沌)
狀 態:生存
素質點:0 ...
bibby0112 發表於 2009-5-15 09:58 AM
finally see you here....
too bad la you....
now u hv to play slow slow la...
anyway.. welcome you to our big family...
keep it up...

p/s: i did give u some weapon and some stone etc.. pls check..
jff6000 發表於 2009-5-15 10:43 AM
yes... he is my friend.. last time we play share together... buddy...
now play pets really really slow la............
we need 50x cards....
anyone agree....
after take out the MAX... now less ppl playing pets too.........
50x card...... i guess impossible la
20060420 發表於 2009-5-15 04:37 PM
if have, i think i will buy few....
bibby0112 發表於 2009-5-16 01:05 PM
wa lau eh...
so fast become 4 turn oledi..
keep it up...
i will give u some weapon de...
hi_there 發表於 2009-5-19 09:21 AM
keep it up my friend...
since last nite the speed is not so lag oledi..
start today i can spend more time to play la...
come on everyone... lets flight together la..
ohhhhhhhhhh yesssssssss........
Goooood Morning all brota and sister....
thanks a lot.. u just in front me o... keep up the hardwork,... go 1st page.. hehe...  ...
hi_there 發表於 2009-5-19 03:44 PM
hahah.. keep it up together la..
on page 1 should be no problem.. cos the no 20 person is not active anymore in pets..
lets try our best la...
i got to rest now..
see ya... page 1...
hi, everybody......

long time no see....long time no play, the ranking still in page 1
hahakl 發表於 2009-5-20 08:35 PM
brota.. u hv a rite timing for yr holiday.... since the server is no stable yet...
someone very 串哦.. 哈哈...but also he treat me very nice o.. haha
hi_there 發表於 2009-5-20 10:10 PM
he lucky onli... if not the server slow ah....
huh..... i think u can overtake him jor lor....
真的要去买多多8X了。要不然,我倾家荡产都不会到30转。 哈哈哈。。
那我不是整个月都需要无时无刻打怪..WA ...KAO... DIE!!! HAHA ...
hi_there 發表於 2009-5-21 10:25 AM
you better save yr money to buy 15x card.. i use 1 15x card onli can up 9-10turn onli..
why this few so less ppl coming here ah???
no mood play pet oledi???
come on everybody... cheer up...