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回復 #357 woofy 的帖子

halow.......i need a few more post jar..........chinese or english no problem.

回復 #358 woofy 的帖子

why not buy my stock?????

回復 #363 woofy 的帖子

i need 100 post to enter the stock market.......so got to blow a bit more water.......otherwise how can i die.... for u lot.

回復 #362 yuka13 的帖子

they are so FAMOUS and u don;t know them??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

回復 #370 woofy 的帖子

OF course i am a spy, i need to get 100 post to open a stock makret comany to make cash for people , then i will disappear and die!!!!!! die for my brother............u know what i mean hor!!!!!!

回復 #374 bourget 的帖子

need 100 post and 300 ranking point s to open new company........so i am makeing some rubbish ones to die for us lor.....weather man is not here so need to diy la.
ask weather man to come back  la.........he can get us cash, no need to do something like this to genarate cash

回復 #377 yuka13 的帖子

why me???????????? i am normal PEOPLE!!!!!!!!

回復 #381 woofy 的帖子

everyone know who is shyboy09 already, not a secret hehe...............yuka u are too slow!

回復 #388 bourget 的帖子

you should know me.........you are my LOST girl friend, i am here to find u!!!!!!

回復 #397 bourget 的帖子

why you tell me to die? u want to make new boy friend and forget me?? please do not fly me

回復 #398 woofy 的帖子

i may change my heart on you becasue my brother said u are so cute....:onion14:

回復 #404 yuka13 的帖子

do u know who is shineboy09?

回復 #407 woofy 的帖子

my heart can be urs just give me a price, i can sell mine to you.
i go now la....back to normal now enough post now.......