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回應 rrliew 第 1199 篇文章

洗唔洗写咁大只字呀, 你仲够水洗唔请啊!

回應 chemicalromance 第 2155 篇文章


回應 sweet_cherie 第 2160 篇文章

yam yam, 当然!
原帖由 sweet_cherie 於 2008-9-1 11:14 PM 發表

good luck~cck
有無試過踩中鴨屎, 中過獎?
原帖由 hendytiu 於 2008-9-16 10:11 PM 發表
haha...我有save 到nicnic的相片!
原帖由 bmoon1977 於 2008-9-17 01:36 PM 發表
problem with work... and....
金兄, 睇开D啦, 不过揾个人倾下都好!

回應 miaomiao88 第 5618 篇文章

miaomiao88, 你好!
原帖由 miaomiao88 於 2008-9-19 07:23 PM 發表


哈哈, 虚名黎既! 你可以叫我cck或健仔!
原帖由 error403 於 2008-9-29 03:09 PM 發表

yes...have been receiving complains and complaining for a
nearly a week already,
i think admin brother is working hard on it~~
error兄, 咁得闲吹水呀?
原帖由 error403 於 2008-9-29 03:14 PM 發表

i didn't do anything except blowing water
admin brother is the one really busy
Strongly agree! So find somebody help him, he is really working hard and alone.
原帖由 error403 於 2008-9-29 03:15 PM 發表

hello cck_my~~~~~好奈無見啦!!!!
你应该唔係一个没有用的版猪呱, 如果唔係依家变佐VIP啦!
原帖由 error403 於 2008-9-29 03:20 PM 發表

not easy to find somebody have those specific skills la
even you gave us up
I'm not giving up you all but not agree with what management level attitude and the way they handles things.

Even I'm VIP now, i'll try my best to get things done and all going on tracks well.
原帖由 error403 於 2008-9-29 03:32 PM 發表

i understand~~
But people who not understand will think that i'm against them and against the whole teams of management! Hope they can understand me soon! But for me, i don't care any negative comments to get things done.