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原帖由 dicksonkhan 於 29/8/2008 18:05 發表
after eating very sleepy now!
wait...until i get the next prize....
原帖由 ckhooi74 於 29/8/2008 18:07 發表

u know this 道理就最好la~~~ ha~~
原帖由 ckhooi74 於 29/8/2008 18:08 發表

'coz 你講我壞話......using malay language....好在dick dick好人話我知....or....
原帖由 ckhooi74 於 29/8/2008 18:13 發表

u said i have new husband!!!!

cck also told me 'coz i'm married so i can't have other bf...but single can have lots of gf or bf gar...so i want to be single again.....
原帖由 qqbubu 於 29/8/2008 18:13 發表

hi ~~ qq
原帖由 cck_my 於 29/8/2008 18:16 發表
no...your pt is quite good ~~~
原帖由 jclai 於 29/8/2008 18:18 發表

....this is our first time ja.....
$$$ i'm coming~~ i'm the next winner or i'll not go to bed!!!!!
#6700 i'm coming....~~~
4 steps ...slower....
原帖由 dicksonkhan 於 29/8/2008 18:22 發表

u loss again!JJ
...i can't go to bed tim....

CK u also can't leave till i win!!!!!!!!!
原帖由 jclai 於 29/8/2008 18:23 發表

got many many time
give us some proof sin la...where? send me the link pls~~
原帖由 qqbubu 於 29/8/2008 18:25 發表

jj 2day is not lucky day me and u
we r in a team.........black black one.....
原帖由 dicksonkhan 於 29/8/2008 18:26 發表

sorry...i got v. bad temper when i'm sleepy......

i'll control myself gar la....
#6750...i'm coming