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blue blue~~~give me your cash sin la~~u have $8xx,xxx wor
原帖由 h2o 於 21/10/2008 04:59 發表

i won't betray her.. don't need to ask la
boyboy & blueblue互抽ar
原帖由 boy12 於 21/10/2008 05:28 發表

I have a friend, shows so many pic of her gf in facebook trying to show how lucky he is !! I think he is good guy too !! And his gf likes it !!
Even though sometimes I feel !!
.....一樣米養百樣人............ ................

boyboy....ur...fd....ma......will he post ur pic too
原帖由 blueocean 於 21/10/2008 05:28 發表

yeah, water is a nice guy...you interest in him
no 'coz i've other targets
原帖由 blueocean 於 21/10/2008 05:31 發表
it's almost for me to go out wet wet la
dive water ma???
原帖由 h2o 於 21/10/2008 05:34 發表

.... .....无言.......................
原帖由 boy12 於 21/10/2008 09:52 發表
come in my house to look for waterson !  not me !!
u not eating dinner ma?? y still here???!!!
原帖由 h2o 於 21/10/2008 07:12 發表

my boss doesn't have time for the family la... and the others members dive water jor la... except 亞妹...
who is 亞妹 ar ??
hi ~~ boy boy & blue blue
原帖由 boy12 於 22/10/2008 13:09 發表
what's up ?  Hi everyone !!
y u still here????? y not ar???
原帖由 blueocean 於 23/10/2008 10:46 發表
boyboy, 金楼 33X8....
who win ar
come out to pay pay la
...boyboy forgot jo pay me last time tim ar
boyboy~~~rob $$ with us la
原帖由 boy12 於 24/10/2008 15:23 發表

u are the lucky guy this time and the big one is coming up soon !!
boyboy u forgot give me prize last time ar
hi~~water & manyiu~~~

bye water