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原帖由 rrliew 於 8/9/2008 09:37 發表

what u hungry,eat c
NO .....I'm eating snack now....dun say "c" now!!!!
原帖由 rrliew 於 8/9/2008 09:44 發表

,i said later
bye la
i cant stand here long time
....u may sit here lor
原帖由 manyiu 於 8/9/2008 10:19 發表
輝哥, 又有歌聽呀!
Hi~ manyiu~~

can u see my stock not bad today?
原帖由 manyiu 於 8/9/2008 10:50 發表

係囉, 我今早推佢升好少, 而家買賣唔多, 但係上升咁多, 唔明呀? 哈!
IMO called me today ask me release 100,000 shares.....then it raise jo 11%~
then i put $30,000,000 in stock and raise jo ~2-3%
原帖由 mickeybblim 於 8/9/2008 10:47 發表

期待 张敬轩

*听完你说Goodbye之后 我自己掉眼泪 自己那么用心
那么投入 到底为了谁 你总是说 不必太过 太过在乎谁

#每天醒来我都告诉自己要少爱你一 ...
thanks~  i like this song v. much gar ~~ i'm still using this song as ringtone.......
原帖由 DOBI 於 8/9/2008 11:24 發表
wongjj    隻死rr返咗嚟呀................而加又唔見咗
rr at his post lei.... ...though his shop still closing.....
原帖由 jclai 於 8/9/2008 13:00 發表
hihi~~ mr. lai~~

u want 靓女?~ i'm here la~~~
原帖由 ckhooi74 於 8/9/2008 11:37 發表
darling~~ i like the happy ending
原帖由 jclai 於 8/9/2008 13:12 發表

结分了 but still pretty
原帖由 jclai 於 8/9/2008 13:12 發表

oh~~mr lai~~ r u still here? pretty girl - manyiu is here now
原帖由 manyiu 於 8/9/2008 13:18 發表

你個 honey 真係甜到暈呀!
he is so great~~~
原帖由 manyiu 於 8/9/2008 13:50 發表

no la~~ when i put $ in = i buy more share of my stock j~~
原帖由 qqbubu 於 8/9/2008 14:45 發表

hihi~~qq....u "wah" what ar?
原帖由 hendytiu 於 8/9/2008 15:09 發表
welcome back big bro~~
rob $$ ar!!!~~~ G gor gor & qq