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原帖由 DOBI 於 28/9/2008 14:35 發表

he is so hard working....hope he could be top 100 la.....
原帖由 DOBI 於 28/9/2008 14:39 發表

笑我 你好靚咩.....而加   
did u take the interest out everyday???? someone told me 複式計...sth like that....bor

....i'm too pretty....wear what still....super pretty
原帖由 DOBI 於 28/9/2008 14:43 發表
....top 100有幾$$ &幾分???

G gor gor is so great~~
原帖由 DOBI 於 28/9/2008 14:45 發表

i dunno ga...but he / she said we must take interest then put in bank wor... ....總之有着數la
原帖由 DOBI 於 28/9/2008 14:50 發表

我点知呀 亞丙
dobi你好似一隻剛放出黎嘅野狗咁.....句句都wow wow声
原帖由 DOBI 於 28/9/2008 14:53 發表

你對眼咁 --> .............我仲驚........
原帖由 DOBI 於 28/9/2008 14:58 發表
maui!!! welcome back!!!!!!
morning~ darling~

i go out dinner sin la~
原帖由 maui 於 30/9/2008 10:15 發表
hi....JJ miss u much ar..!!
i miss u too maui~~

my home no electricity the whole day ar.....can't online whole day
原帖由 manyiu 於 1/10/2008 07:02 發表

manyiu~~ u know richmond mo jo electricity 30mins this morning ar~~....my home mo jo over 8 hrs...today..tim...ar....
原帖由 siujydn 於 1/10/2008 03:12 發表
我都叫jj- -"
hihi~~jj~~y u -->ar?? my jj is a pretty girl
原帖由 DOBI 於 1/10/2008 12:37 發表
oh...IMO ma?...he is so poor... ....

did u take some photo j i want to see his "die pig" look~~~
原帖由 DOBI 於 1/10/2008 12:45 發表
牛怕pig ma??
原帖由 DOBI 於 1/10/2008 12:55 發表

wahaha ~~ i also like a die pig this afternoon.... ...the cough syrup is too.....xx........