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原帖由 boy12 於 2008-2-4 09:22 PM 發表

We are just here to visit woofy angel and veinto ja !! :014:
Hi ! fat fat angel !!  
Also welcome u to join our group !  and u will be vip too !
...fat fat angel...

is juju?

回復 #5650 yang5301 的帖子

你唔想見到我呀 =0=
原帖由 boy12 於 2008-2-4 11:14 PM 發表

Sorry ! I didn't know it's your name !
唔緊要。。。 =0=''''''''

回復 #5653 yang5301 的帖子

i gotta go :sleeps: now lu~~

bye bye
路過~ 見到好多天使啊 :onion05:
kiko03 wOoofy juju~

haha juju~ i know why boy boy is here..! because he wants to talk to you ar~
有冇人呀? :onion05:

or 你地走灑啦
ring ring ring~ @v@''

原帖由 boy12 於 2008-3-3 09:16 PM 發表

what is your relationship with yangyang ! underground !!
u have his phone number   
my relationship with yang..?
咪就係friends lorr @v@''
how many times do you have to ask?


ring ring ring~ was just random
just like ding ding ding~
dong dong dong~
ding dong~

[ 本帖最後由 小☆天使 於 2008-3-3 10:03 PM 編輯 ]
hello juju