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Hello Yeenan.... sorry just come back from dinner.
Hello Orchid and 山寨幫主 粒粒 同手下 KM and David San...
Happy Birthday Gboy.
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Good Morning Good Evening Good Night Cafe.
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Indian 茶檔 always late at night....
Wah, cover girl you also know?I also dont know
Good morning yeenan。。。。
Hello everybody.  Come back finally。。。to so many Good evening posts....
gboy - 你的生日,新形象。。。。
Hello CCK- nice youtube。。。。
See you later。。。。lego guy。。。。
Hi yeenan - you worked so late everyday?
chowold2 發表於 2011-6-21 12:28 PM
豬排 = 豬扒?
lhy92725 發表於 2011-6-21 09:47 AM
甜檸   - Km
5系 豬扒饭 -
yalor.... find money so hard!!!!! - must be your own business, or your boss very lucky...