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It said Tian secret wedding was held....
SweetLemon 發表於 2010-10-8 10:52 PM
CCK and Raytian bros, friends or enemy lo ...I just wonder
9仔...is very persistent ...
Dead horse now where ar..bro cck? (輝哥 can u delete bro cck's marraige cert? too busy with chinese translation just now....missed out the chinese paper lo..don't understand ma ..just now ....
CC517 發表於 2010-10-9 01:05 AM
Dr Cat, where u hiding leh.....me Total Lost, at race course today lo...why don't help your cat sister lo?
Cat total lost lo ..no other cats to help me with the race with people family lo....Swe Da Cham Jung ...Swe Da Ho Shue Yong lo...(Cantonese)
I find chinese Zi Gong and Tong Zi Gong really amazing.
It is amazingly powerful  energy, yet the energy comes from simplicity, soft energy, non meat eating monks.

True Power of Shaolin Kung Fu

Tong Zi Gong

Trully awesome ... does it mean faith n energy walk hand in hand ah?
Does it mean faith + energy = life  <> life's equation <> happiness
Too bad I don't know la..me poor with Math hehehe!

我唔識賭馬, 又唔識跑馬, 點幫你啊
CC517 發表於 2010-10-9 01:20 AM
But u got good chinese lo...can help me 100% ..sure win
How's Guanzhou now, hoping the weather is sunshine now, after some raining ah. NY is nice now...no fall scenery yet, but at night quite chilly lo..but still very comfortable.
硬氣功你都想學, 要入少林寺喎, 你去住呢度間少林寺卦單先啦.
CC517 發表於 2010-10-10 08:04 PM
O no, nunnery not my cup of tea leh...I have not reached that level of wisdom yet
Not yet vegetarian ah!
no, chinese kung fu, good for u.
CC517 發表於 2010-10-10 08:25 PM
Chinese Kung Fu, excellent, watching is good enough
本帖最後由 kimmi8k 於 2010-10-11 11:07 AM 編輯

唔好留响天庭度阻住地球转,>>>回避下, 回避到熟女表妹家中天庭啊.....
人地收埋个表妹 点识?
cck_my 發表於 2010-10-11 09:05 PM

In the words of Raytian _ 大家多多关照她~

cck_my 發表於 2010-10-12 08:56 AM

表妹 ~ 多多关照 ~ 托兒所大事業 ~ 奶爸 ~ 多多关照  ~ 好大佬啊  kindly allow 老鼠  机会 ~ for  最緊要 tvb$斤两  ~ 回避下啦  


Gambatte neh!
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本帖最後由 kimmi8k 於 2010-10-12 04:35 PM 編輯


Internet access has allowed us to communicate in fiction, fantasy, n open a passage way to let out our mind and stress. And at the same time, provided us many convenience and up to date information. Internet is a brilliant creation and invention, lo coz it has given us more options and opportunities and break down our walls and social status to bring us together on the same level. Thanks to the invention and creation of PCs & Internet.

Bro cck can u translate this to chinese please. Thanks

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