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回復 #2138 pangck 的帖子

我有2 財富戒指
give you back
thx anyway


回復 #2137 hihihuhu 的帖子

sure "so" you la....join this family if you want
even if you are not family, you can always come here to chat  la:014:


原帖由 lyw1114hk 於 2008-4-16 12:08 AM 發表
求 經驗卡 最好有3倍
成功贈送給 lyw1114hk 1 個 三倍經驗卡!
send you one la...enjoy:onion14:


回復 #2140 blueocean 的帖子

thanks     just come  here  take  rest  and  take a  drink    :onion14:  

  blowing  water  ma   :014:

回復 #2142 hihihuhu 的帖子

sure...have more tea:onion14: :onion14: :onion14:
there are lots of people you can blow water with la:014:


原帖由 pangck 於 2008-4-16 01:23 發表

成功贈送給 blueocean 1 個 財富戒指!  等你和氣生財!
What function of the 財富戒指 ????????

回復 #2144 iamwilliam 的帖子

just get more $$$ when you kill a pet


財富戒指 sound good for poor people
is it a rare item?as in very hard to get..

回復 #2146 小笨笨 的帖子

I have played up until now and only got 2:019:
yeah....I think it's kind of hard to get it


no wonder second hand shop only got 1 and so expensive..
Would u mind to free 復活寶石  to me ???????????????/

回復 #2149 iamwilliam 的帖子

成功贈送給 iamwilliam 5 個 復活寶石!


回復 #2150 blueocean 的帖子

thanks blueocean  ........................
come in chat chat

回復 #2152 x12345 的帖子

....just get back from school ma?
How are you doing today la

