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i love japanese food, thx.  
thx for sharing
sound pretty easy, maybe try it tonight.
thank you
:onion03:  very nice
yummy yummy japanese food ...yum yum..:onion05:

回復 #1 rain_ 的帖子

好图:014: 我爱章鱼
thank you
( }4 [8 b  ]  S( C/ R, P2 pwanna try to cook them
too good:014::sleeps::onion05:
woOOH! thanks for sharing =]TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。& H/ x% p  B9 d
i'm taking the recipe for takoyaki and egg on rice.

回復 #5 rain_ 的帖子

thank for sharing
that's all 公仔箱論壇1 W7 B+ K* P- g5 K8 P' \& Q

$ g( Q5 ]. ~- ?. d/ }5 O公仔箱論壇only few recipe also can get 精华
  b  S) e5 p1 e3 H  c% q" Xtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
5 s4 p6 p% d* b$ |/ G+ Ilet me try to get some recipe.. see can get promote or not

回應 rain_ 第 1 篇文章

thanks for sharing