美国就係咁 我黎美国7年唔敢睇医生
yeungking 發表於 2011-2-20 01:44 AM  If you live near city with Chinese, then you may want to ask friends for relative and see if there is any Chinese that take cash with much lower price. I know a Dr. who has an office in Monterey Park and he only charge $50 for visit, then get your medicine from costco, sams club or walmart because they usually has much better price in prescription medicine. In fact, a lot of Dr. welcome cash client because it's headache to deal with medicare, medical and HMO, can you believe Dr. only get $20 from HMO when you visit him or her? But they have to take it because almost everyone is using insurance, they can't avoid it. BTW, $20 is not net profit, Dr. liability insurance is huge, equipment, nurse, office rental, etc are extra and out of their pocket. I'm not a Dr. (I wish i am), but I have some friends are RM and Dr. always complain to them. |