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原帖由 ghyc 於 2008-7-6 08:52 AM 發表

1:50am u not sleep??
I think everyone that work in kitchen will sleep around 4to 5am la
原帖由 ghyc 於 2008-7-6 08:58 發表

u work in takeaway too??
yes,one week 6-7000 pound:019:
原帖由 yang5301 於 2008-7-6 00:59 發表

Nottingham is better than before la, before nobody after 5pm, we called it "dead city"
原帖由 cammy8080 於 2008-7-6 09:01 發表

原帖由 rrliew 於 2008-7-6 01:01 發表

yes,one week 6-7000 pound:019:
u are the boss??
原帖由 rrliew 於 2008-7-6 09:01 AM 發表

yes,one week 6-7000 pound:019:
we around 4500 to 6000 ...
BUt 最近比较静会不会阿??
原帖由 cammy8080 於 2008-7-6 09:01 AM 發表

原帖由 cammy8080 於 2008-7-6 01:03 發表

Mon-Fri 9am-6:pm
原帖由 ghyc 於 2008-7-6 09:02 AM 發表

Nottingham is better than before la, before nobody after 5pm, we called it "dead city"
I just at here for 1 1/2year only
原帖由 cammy8080 於 2008-7-6 09:03 AM 發表

原帖由 cammy8080 於 2008-7-6 09:07 發表

cammy下个月生日,去边度wet a
原帖由 yang5301 於 2008-7-6 01:08 發表

I just at here for 1 1/2year only
u mean in uk or nottingham??
原帖由 ghyc 於 2008-7-6 09:10 AM 發表

u mean in uk or nottingham??
In uk n nottingham too..^^
but sometime i will get a week day off n go to wales ...^^
to find my uncle ^^
原帖由 yang5301 於 2008-7-6 09:09 發表

fri n sat 10.30am-next day 12.45am a
原帖由 yang5301 於 2008-7-6 01:13 發表

In uk n nottingham too..^^
but sometime i will get a week day off n go to wales ...^^
to find my uncle ^^
Sometims I may back to nottingham too, planning on coming bank holiday