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Good Morning, Afternoon, Evening.  TGIF.
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This is one hell of performance....could you imagined dancing and singing at the same time like this?
1970年賽門與葛芬柯二重唱風靡全球排行榜的「El Condor Pasa (If I could)/老鷹之歌」,是一首出自他們的超級經典專輯「Bridge Over Troubled Water」的單曲,隨著專輯的賣座,讓這首改編自祕魯民謠的「老鷹之歌」傳送到全世界的角落。
賽門與葛芬柯二重唱有了「El Condor Pasa」的神助,讓「Bridge Over Troubled Water」銷售也展翅高飛,專輯共在冠軍的位置停留了兩個半月狂銷了500萬張。不過可惜的是,在這個成功喜悅不久之後,賽門與葛芬柯二重唱也因為合作理念不合,兩位成員在專輯製作完成後,竟如同歌中的老鷹一般各自單飛而去,結束了他們6年的合作關係。

I’d rather be a sparrow than a snail我願變成一隻麻雀而不是蝸牛

Yes I would, if I could, I surely would是的我願意 如果我真的可以我願意

I’d rather be a hammer than a nail我願變成一根棒槌而不是釘子

Yes I would, if I only could, I surely would是的我願意 如果我真的可以我願意

Away, I’d rather sail away遠走高飛 我想要航向遠方

Like a swan that’s here and gone像隻天鵝來去自如

A man gets tied up to the ground沒有翅膀的人們被困在地面

He gives the world it’s saddest sound失去了飛翔能力的人們 讓世界聽見了最傷心的嘆息

Its saddest sound最傷心的嘆息..

I’d rather be a forest than a street我想變成一座森林而不是條街

Yes I would, if I could, I surely would是的我願意 如果我真的可以我願意

I’d rather feel the earth beneath my feet我寧願感受世界在我的腳底

Yes I would, if I only could, I surely would是的我願意 如果我真的可以我願意
good song,   so many thanks for share
Good night la km and everyone.
Enjoy the songs lor....
I've been looking at Creedence Clearwater Revival, if you have idea what you like. POST.
Honey 老餅 is here
Creedence Clearwater Revival: Have You Ever Seen The Rain?

Good Afternoon Chowold....its a good album.
早晨 Hooi gor...周围都好静局。
Its a very sweet song, she wrote it for him.  She is fair and he has dark skin tone his name is known as 黑人 in Taiwan.
And that's what the song is about.
He finally proposed to her on the big screen of an NBA basketball match in NewYork.  

Its a very sweet song, she wrote it for him.  She is fair and he has dark skin tone his name is known as 黑人 in Taiwan.
And that's what the song is about.
He finally proposed to her on the big screen ...
SweetLemon 發表於 2010-10-16 01:06 PM
A sweet song from a very sweet lady.
Hello CCK...今日呢度的天气很好。。。
cck_my 發表於 2010-10-16 01:10 PM
Another nice song from a sweet lady