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[旅遊景點] 加拿大~溫哥華&近郊~惠斯勒~<有關惠斯勒>

4 P4 i) O: E/ R3 H! I$ nwww3.tvboxnow.comTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。3 c7 H6 S4 ~0 N! q$ d$ ^
   擁有濃厚歐洲氣息的惠斯勒度假村,是加拿大知名的滑雪度假勝地,並且與溫哥華成為舉辦2010年冬季奧運會的場地;事實上,它一年四季都有不同的玩法,像是夏天可在這裡從事運動、健行、騎單車、高爾夫、泛舟、獨木舟、登山等活動;擁有美好大自然的惠斯勒隨時等著你的造訪。 : L9 t2 [( d6 w2 W3 L$ H
In Whislter you can do a lot of things in different season! Yes, it is because there is our back yard Garden of Vancouver. You can ski in Winter, and mountain bike in Summer. There is rifting in the Summer, and cross country snowshoe trail hiking in Winter. There is so beautiful and you can find a lot of good food restaurants too.  You can have a very nice holiday there.


  • civicboy1969

By the way ,in Whistle there are a lot of other activities as well. Not only skiing , snowshoe hiking, biking and good food. You also have Rocking climbing , It's the best way to test your mettle for heights and your muscles. Helicopter-assisted adventures take guests far fromthe crowds, whisking you by chopper to Alpine trail. Whistler Bungee offers an intense rush with a 160 foot bridge fall over the rapids that carved out the deep-sided gorge below. And much more.......


  • civicboy1969
