learn to read, i clearly said theres a 5gb limit on mega, so i requested to upload them all on google drive, i assume he agreed but some were still on mega which i couldn't download, so therefore TASK WAS NOT COMPLETED, he could have rejected my request if he couldn't complete the task!
Ps. i updated the post details as discussed in the private messages (upload to Google drive instead of mega, all has been agreed)
If you look in the completed task section, i have paid every time a task has been completed! If someone cant complete the task then tough cookies, money goes to whoever completes it!
What are you talking about??? 600mb rmvb? i never asked for that, and yes i changed it to google only as we discussed in the private message, you can check your screenshot #8. If you couldn't complete the task then you should have said, why would i pay you when i have episodes missing?