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本人注册论坛有一段时间 属于潜水人物。偶尔会在日剧区回帖~~~好不容易地赚够了100功勋和积分可以看到隐藏的字幕。
但是由于网速不快在回帖时很偶尔按下两下回复 则被当作灌水处理。这个也罢~~回复几次又可以看到。

前天晚上登陆帐号发现自己的积分从110分莫名其妙的减少到50~中间没有灌水 也没有回帖。就下载了几个日剧高清种子和字幕~也没有收到短信息提示。
昨天起床发现积分从50骤减到11... (中间有一个帖子重复内容被当成灌水 -25,有短信息提示) 但是这样至少还有25吧  那么还有14去哪里?
现在刚一看 可怜的~从11分又被减少到10....功勋 币去哪里了...

无奈到投诉版发帖 但是得到的答复未尽人意。  得到某高人短消息 说这里可以得到大家帮助 希望大家帮帮忙~~200币量 和 100以上功勋。保证可以看到被隐藏起来的字幕就可以。

还有请告诉我  我之前的积分到底去了哪里呢???

本帖最後由 kimmi8k 於 2011-6-23 02:21 PM 編輯

I could fully comprehend u plight n frustration. Unfortunately, there is no turning back time, what is done cannot be undone. Point is learned the pro n cons, n how to beat around the odds. I sincerely, hope some kind n seasoned friends here can assist you n make u turn things around, n offer a hand to help you out the crux of the matter.

In the meantime please do not be too upset, n look on the brighter side. U can transfer u TVB money to coins to help u open files. Go to
個人中心, n click  積分 to transfer.

After that u can participate in other forum activities to make tvb money n coins. N bear in mind when the site is too busy, u post might take a little time to be posted. Do not continued to post the same post repeatedly,clicking continuously or else u will see repetition of similar post. N when that happened, u can clicked edit 编辑
to delete the repeated post so as u r not punished for honest mistakes that occurred for no reasons.

One very important fact is to read every moderators rules n regulations before participating n posting any materials to avoid complications n misunderstanding.

Regards kimmi
本帖最後由 km8000 於 2011-6-24 07:36 AM 編輯


試吓去呢到  http://www.tvboxnow.com/faq.php?action=faq&id=7&messageid=29
已经收到各位好心人的帮助 谢谢大家~~