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本帖最後由 xinxian 於 2010-11-25 04:03 PM 編輯

i love this song~~~
Good Evening CCK and Xinxian.
Good Evening Good Morning Cafe.
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FREE HUGs in Taiwan

本帖最後由 SweetLemon 於 2010-11-25 07:24 PM 編輯



Kiss (stylized as KISS.), was a Korean pop female trio (not to be confused with the American band of the same name). Their debut single, "Because I'm a Girl" ("여자 이니까") was a huge hit in 2002. This helped to launch the career of Kiss through its chart-topping popularity, and an album quickly followed. However, the group quickly disbanded afterwards.
There were many versions of their debut song created after Kiss's original Korean version:
English version: "Because I'm a Girl" by Jini (Kiss member)
Mandarin version: "Mei You Ni De Mei Yi Tian" (没有你的每一天 "Days Without You") by Jill Xu Jie Er
Cantonese version: "Yi Chong Zhi" (野种子 "Wild Seed") by Bobo Chan
Share a little holiday mood with you guys even you are not in America.
happy thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Turkey Day
Infinity is the Limit for me
Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade in New York, Thursday, Nov. 25, 2010

Infinity is the Limit for me
My contribution for the week: Rachmaninov's Fourteen Song so beautiful, it requires no lyric.  In fact, it's beyond any recitable expression but the beauty of the soprano's vocalise.

A little green earthling, living life as if there were no tomorrow.
本帖最後由 SweetLemon 於 2010-11-26 08:24 AM 編輯

Hello ChowOld, Bchew and Norman....
You know Macy parade never failed to amaze me.  Its THE New York way.

Good Morning Good Evening Good Night Cafe...\
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Scooters traffic in Taipei...Haha...what you think?

曹格 Supermarket 超級市場

對對對 你說的全都對 我的動作常常讓人誤會
快用親親在我臉上簽個名 讓全宇宙都知道我是你的誰
*越來越愛 早上都賴床的星期天
喔~ 愛 下午沙發上的電影院
愛緩緩牽著手的逛街聊天 愛夜晚咬耳朵的幸福纏綿
*想當一個比價的 supermarket 24 小時都歡迎光臨
幽默風趣 無限量供應 任勞任怨都是特價品
想當你一個人的 supermarket 你擔心的人都不准靠近
幸福快樂 滿意在胸臆 預訂真愛保固無限期#
Say 對對對 你是真的很美 我的腦袋天馬行空幻想一堆
快用撒嬌給我超級大讓步 看我貨真價實還是天花亂墜
我內心的那個小孩 會快快成長讓你放心的依賴
很帥 很天才 給你美好的未來
谢霆锋 - 香水 ( KTV )

谢霆锋 - 香水 ( KTV )

SweetLemon 發表於 2010-11-26 10:55 AM
