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so, cat is now 爬牆 = 偷偷摸摸...偷情 ....

本帖最後由 cck_my 於 2011-5-6 12:04 PM 編輯

First of all, in Mainland of China, they restrict and censored the internet so that user within the country can't access to certain website like Youtube, Facebook & etc. Unfortunately this forum url always listed black and blocked just like website above. This phenomena we call it "great wall of china". In order to access to these website, user have to 爬墙/翻墙 using proxy server to bypass the wall/ block and gain access to blocked website.
First of all, in Mainland of China, they restrict and censored the internet so that user within the country can't access to certain website like Youtube, Facebook & etc. Unfortunately this forum url a ...
cck_my 發表於 2011-5-6 12:01 PM
First of all, in Mainland of China, they restrict and censored the internet so that user within the country can't access to certain website like Youtube, Facebook & etc. Unfortunately this forum url a ...
cck_my 發表於 2011-5-6 12:01 PM
Lucky Cat Cat know how to 爬墙
so, cat is now 爬牆 = 偷偷摸摸...偷情 ....
lilitan008 發表於 2011-5-6 12:00 PM
cck you are the best
so, cat is now 爬牆 = 偷偷摸摸...偷情 ....
lilitan008 發表於 2011-5-6 12:00 PM
Lilitan you said that not me
guess cat not able to 爬牆 yet, no news from her until now....

When she come back, sure she will kill you
can owl 爬牆 ?
i must now

can owl 爬牆 ?
orchids 發表於 2011-5-6 12:19 PM
Owl doesn't know to 爬牆 but can fly. He fly to escape now
but cat can't fly

If Cat come back, I will see who fly