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Everyone's a critic -- especially Phil Jackson每个人都是批评家——菲尔更是
By J.A. Adande

Hmm, could there be some latent frustration in Phil Jackson about Pau Gasol’s slow-to-heal right hamstring?

Beforethe Lakers played the Pistons Tuesday night, Jackson said Gasol wentthrough practice Monday and shootaround Tuesday morning and Jacksonhoped Gasol would be able to play in the game. Alas, he remained on theinactive list. When Jackson was asked if he was concerned Gasol wasbeing gun-shy, he jumped in and said, “That he’s a hypochondriac andmight be a baby and won’t come out and play? Is that what you’re tryingto say with that question?”

That drew laughs. Then Jackson turned TV critic, referring to Gasol’s guest appearance on “CSI: Miami.”

“Ithink he got injured on CSI and he’s not telling us the truth,” Jacksonsaid. “I watched that program last night just to see if that was whathappened. And then he dragged that kid out of the car; I’m sure that’swhere he got that injury.

“I never watched the show before. I was totally amazed that people watch it. I can’t believe people actually watch that stuff.”

When someone compared Gasol’s acting duties to Andrew Bynum hoisting a Playmate at a Playboy Mansion party while out with an injury last season, Jackson stayed on his roll.

“That’s good for his shoulders,” Jackson said. “It’s another thing to be dragging someone and stretch your hamstring like Pau was doing.”

And finally, on Pau’s future in the acting biz: “I told him to keep his night job.”

洛杉磯湖人俱樂部 / 如果人間有未來,一定是綠色的。