It should not be counted by money ! Go & you will see it's worthwhile. tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb6 f% ~1 Z) w9 p7 j2 W: Y0 o
Actually, the pictures is not taken by me as it's professional.... just redirect.... Nice ! Ah!
十多年前和幾個朋友自由行到過西藏.當時從青海出發,因青藏鐵路還沒修好,我們坐的是那種”豪華”臥鋪車,在經過海拔五千多米高的唐古拉山口時,頭疼欲裂的情景還歷歷在目.另外進入西藏第一個歇息站那曲時,因高山 ...公仔箱論壇% M+ I I3 A, |# c [+ Y+ u
hoffnung 發表於 2011-5-30 07:17 PM