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本帖最後由 kimmi8k 於 2011-10-28 09:52 AM 編輯

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Happy Halloween - IES Can Peixauet - IES Puig Castellar

Did You Know

Facts, Figures & Folklore About Halloween

The holiday of Halloween dates back to the Dark Ages. Once truly spooky traditions have morphed over the years into much more light-hearted (but still mischevious) celebrations. Here is a fun look at some of the facts and figures that describe how Americans will be enjoying All Hallows Eve this October 31st.

Did you know that the origins of Halloween are rooted in an ancient festival honoring the dead, known as Samhain. (pronounced "Sow-ween")?

The Celtic people, who lived 2,000 years ago in the United Kingdom and northern France, believed that during Samhain, the veil between this world and the spirit world was at its thinnest. Samhain was a two festival, starting on November 1st.

Did you know that Halloween is also linked to the Catholic Church's celebration of All Saints Day?

When the Church began sending out missionaries to the Celtic region, it adopted many traditional rituals and sanctioned them as Catholic activities. In the 7th century, for example, the Church's celebration of All Saints Day was moved to coincide with Samhain. A special mass called Allhallowmas was recited during All Saints Day, to honor any saints who did not already have a day of their own. The night before -- October 31st -- quickly became to be known as All Hallows Eve. Did you know that the origins of "Trick 'O' Treating" can be traced back to early celebrations of All Souls' Day in Britain?

The poor would go from door-to-door, begging for so-called "soul cakes". Over time, the custom changed and children became the beggars, receiving apples, sweet buns and money. The tradition migrated over the Atlantic Ocean and quickly became entrenched in American celebrations of Halloween.

Did you know that more than 36 million children are expected to go trick-o-treating, this Halloween?

That's how many 5-13 year olds there are in the United States. Of course, age is no limit for Halloween fun, so those numbers might be a bit of an understatement.

Did you know that there are 106 million household in the United States?

That's a lot of trick-or-treating ground to cover in just one night.
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This is Halloween

Wubbzy Halloween Music Video

本帖最後由 kimmi8k 於 2011-10-27 11:16 PM 編輯

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在一个寂静的月夜,又准的夜晚,一名行经山区的旅行者很不幸的迷了路了. 正当他饥寒交迫,体力不去时,终于在那遥远的前方发现了一栋茅草屋. 他高兴地上前奔去,并且敲了敲门,大声喊到:"有人在吗?随后就有一位老阿婆出来应门. 旅行者说明了来意之后,老阿婆就好心地给了这们旅者一盒便当,并答应旅者当晚就在阿婆家暂且住下.第二天一早,旅者一醒来,惊觉身边根本就没有什么茅草房,自己就睡在地上.更别说有什么老阿婆了,但旅者并不害怕,心中仍十分感激那位阿婆,认为那是菩萨化身,前来救苦救难了. 于是他在原地拜了拜,潢怀感激之意离去.经过长途跋涉,最后终于回到村里. 回去之后,他逢人就讲这档子事,过了很久,终于有人说到:"你说的那们阿婆啊, 她在三年前就去世了.旅者一听,心中暗叫不妙,突觉身体一阵剧痛,并大叫到: "不好了....我,....我...我吃了过...过期的便当!