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[硬體動態] 最昂贵的笔记本:Ego Bentley

最昂贵的笔记本:Ego Bentley  Ego Bentley的售价高达13380欧元,合人民币12万元。这款笔记本的造型很像一款女士提包,笔记本外表面覆以精致的皮革,每一款Bentley笔记本都是手工制作完成的。


▲Ego Bentley

  这款天价笔记本设计有12英寸的显示屏,160GB硬盘和2GB内存,采用AMD 炫龙处理器。设计有3个USB接口,VGA端口,摄像头,DVD光驱,还支持蓝牙和WLAN。
what make this notebook so expensive? just because it looks like a carrying bag?
what make this notebook so expensive? just because it looks like a carrying bag?
pott77 發表於 2011-2-2 02:34 PM
It is hand made... whatever it is hand made, it's expensive.   
Thx for sharing and Happy Chinese New Year
i don't think it sales well.
i don't think it sales well.
blueangle111 發表於 2011-2-13 01:34 PM
All the expensive items can sale well.