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thanks ^_^
really thanks...man
thanks you very much
Thx for sharing the 3rd ep
嗯,很久沒見齊藤由貴,可能沒有人記起她是初代飛女形事...$ A7 n6 C( }4 x. G. @3 P# X. s
Thankyou... ひとみ-san is the best
希望快點看到 4 - 日語繁中字幕 RMVB
Thanks very much for sharing. A very different and special story.
' q- i" I( G" S6 Dwww3.tvboxnow.com日本四大名演員一起飆戲公仔箱論壇$ \7 q' G9 a' R- J8 T7 [
黑木瞳在真我霓裳中精明幹練的演出, C, L6 o+ x* t, e0 z
# f6 B6 }3 j  R% e* j+ Kwww3.tvboxnow.comtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb* i) D8 ]* W4 U) i$ U
再次感謝版主能跟大家分享這樣的好片公仔箱論壇" U! C" A' ~5 _" N8 n
心想為什麼這四位主角群們都45歲了 但是演起戲來還是這麼扣人先玄的
6 i& b% Z7 v" m; W% M隨著他們情緒起伏.真的好棒.
thanks for sharing
thx~ looking forward the translated one for episode 4.... @_@"
Thank you very much.
thanks for sharing