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原帖由 小fai 於 2008-1-14 04:49 PM 發表
有幾後咖 有幾生呢
原帖由 jj99xx 於 2008-1-15 01:18 AM 發表
咁早散 band 嘅, 886.  good night
你可帶頭 拉頭陣嘛 搵多些人來夾BAND咖

回復 #4442 月※月 的帖子

可能太夜 la, 听朝 d 人要返工返學

jj & 月※月 always here ! u are the best !

By the way, your new dog head is much nicer than the "funny" mouse head ! So cute ! :014:
(Be careful if nesta gonna ban ban u for that pic !)  He is the ban king ah !! Hoho !

[ 本帖最後由 boy12 於 2008-1-15 05:34 AM 編輯 ]
~ boyboy 俱乐部 ~
i go doing some exercies....diving!!!!!

回復 #4448 felixng2007 的帖子

Me too..................Swimming and diving deep deep together.......

回復 #4449 lenykoy 的帖子

i am so tired but don;t want to sleep ha!!!! tooooo stress
Me tired too...........Blow water with felix very tired..............

回復 #4452 babyallien 的帖子

依家一點  。 5 小時之後我就知我係唔係食香蕉啦:019:

回復 #4453 lenykoy 的帖子

點解? 我打中文就你:onion18: