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原帖由 danny仔 於 2007-12-6 17:05 發表

oic, same here...but now quite boring for playing pet games d, maybe i will send it out for other...now already level 124 i think
i played for 2 days.. now still lvl 85 :onion03:
u all got playing pet game ar....!!!!

回復 #5900 Darkn3t 的帖子

lol..2 day lvl 85...so keong mer?><
now lvl 86. my pet was cute when it was an egg.. now..
i think ok la 2day can up 0~85 lvl .....me 5day only up150 lvl.....cham...!!!!!!
原帖由 danny仔 於 2007-12-6 03:50 PM 發表

she's from 火星,地球是很危险的,快点回去火星吧
yaya,ah yi is very dangerous 1 la....
地球是很危险的,快点回去火星吧(agree agree)
原帖由 天使_琪 於 2007-12-6 04:22 PM 發表

say me alien again...u will....
ohh...tat's y so free la...
when u open school ar?
alien ah yi alien ah yi alien ah yi.....hehe.....
OMG,i will   liao...
someone will kill me now....
原帖由 danny仔 於 2007-12-6 05:05 PM 發表

oic, same here...but now quite boring for playing pet games d, maybe i will send it out for other...now already level 124 i think
u everyone have play the pet game??actually how to play la...i duno le...mind to teach me?
actually i also duno how to play.. i juz picked the cutest then start all the duno wat battle.. but it seems like more & more ugly after grown up >< any way to makes it bcome egg back?

回復 #5908 Darkn3t 的帖子

haha.........i cant help u la...coz i duno how to play at all la....
ei,u join that gang liao??
they have give u money or nt??
nop.. wat can i get from the gang? no ppl tell me anythin bout tat i can sumthin from it
anyway.. i need to offline d.. juz leave me a msg if u tryin to reach me while i m offline.take care
原帖由 Darkn3t 於 2007-12-6 05:30 PM 發表
now lvl 86. my pet was cute when it was an egg.. now..
geng lo..me ply 1 week only lvl60..
lazy up lvl d..coz see my pet that damn face...

回復 #5911 Darkn3t 的帖子


回復 #5910 Darkn3t 的帖子

they will give u the money 1 mah.......i go to ask them and c la....