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[MKV] 造孽 Bethany 2016 [英語_中字][1.07G]

本帖最後由 Allen9603 於 2017-8-28 11:16 AM 編輯 tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb4 \/ E  i$ I0 C' a# }) h

7 i" s8 _, w. u; q" c; k! x公仔箱論壇
3 {6 _5 N9 l6 E/ itvb now,tvbnow,bttvb◎譯  名 造孽
% l0 ^; R4 V1 U2 e5 ^7 wtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb◎片  名 Bethany' f; H! B/ ^$ ?( Y* @, x
◎年  代 2016
+ e4 e# }/ X7 P6 @+ K" T$ R& Ztvb now,tvbnow,bttvb◎產  地 美國TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。/ R2 B9 C# c( u9 q
◎類  別 恐怖) z# u# k- _3 H' Y  q
◎語  言 英語公仔箱論壇: c% v7 g. i: e7 R
◎字  幕 中文
4 N4 @8 U: m( i3 }& w, Q, x4 @www3.tvboxnow.com◎IMDb評分  4.8/10 from 522 users公仔箱論壇- V3 T- }* ]1 H( l1 |* c+ {& l
◎文件格式 x264 + aac
9 s$ W% m$ k  p◎視頻尺寸 1280 x 720
( N* V  d# Y, W- a9 U" T/ M◎文件大小 1CD
/ s! x  p1 N8 q! ^9 zTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。◎導  演 James Cullen Bressack
6 ]- n8 e. [& T; \/ s8 i3 s+ [) t% u  TTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。◎主  演 斯蒂凡尼·埃斯特斯 Stefanie Estes
% n- g, |8 J# @# ]/ j      紮克·沃德 Zack Ward
! E1 h+ S. r8 T' Z/ e4 m( Pwww3.tvboxnow.com      湯姆·格林 Tom Green
# |1 w2 j8 f- W$ y3 L. k+ l7 q      莎儂·多赫提 Shannen Doherty
0 E8 [/ [  v: u$ w6 [/ Twww3.tvboxnow.com      里昂·拉瑟姆 Leon Russom
# P- h; r+ X9 ]' I公仔箱論壇      蘇菲·迪伊 Sophie Dee公仔箱論壇* t) U- {- R: ^! w# }  w
      費莉莎·羅斯 Felissa Rose
- v& c& V% z! l* p- f+ G0 d% v      Kevin Porterwww3.tvboxnow.com. C5 U+ z  w2 z0 y% H' J! q
      基思·雅各 Keith Jardine
0 M1 J- N$ n* z, K9 T% T! {公仔箱論壇      John Murraywww3.tvboxnow.com! `/ ]# F9 M3 A) V  c. D
      James Cullen Bressack: m% ?; q! y1 W2 o3 U2 Q( L9 G
      Thomas Downey公仔箱論壇7 i: ], q# N" @! J  o

% S* @5 h7 F. o4 Q公仔箱論壇◎簡  介tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb+ g/ |& _6 u) M' g' R- \+ J

" }3 i- M; a# P公仔箱論壇  Claire and her husband find themselves moving back into Claire‘s childhood home only to have the abusive and traumatic memories of her mother come back to haunt her. As her husband starts to get more work, Claire finds herself mixed up in a fog of past and present with a mysterious figure haunting her memories. What is this small figure that is trying to reach out to her, and what does it want?tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb# V/ p( q  ^* k

/ s5 z4 f; a" p" u7 M' Q
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Thank you very very much for long time , hope can see
thank you very much
thanks for sharing !!!
thank you very much
thank you so much !!!
thanks a lot for sharing
thanks for sharing
thank you so much for your sharing
thanks for sharing
thk you very much
thanks for sharing