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《新》The Nokia N96 Super Cellphone is Official

 ,  描述: damn nice man ~~
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33.33% (9)

; C+ q, i# ~0 F( f4 ~( e. DNokia today unveiled the Nokia N96, a multimedia computer truly optimized for video and TV. With a large 2.8″ screen, 16 gigabytes of internal memory and support for high-quality videos in a wide range of formats, the dual-slide Nokia N96 represents an exciting new chapter in mobile media.
6 f0 l1 l+ W7 `1 Jwww3.tvboxnow.com
& D% l9 r. z' f3 _2 y- KThe Nokia N96 is pretty similar to the Symbian 60 powered N95 we’ve all come to recognize as Nokia’s 5MP GPS finest, but with 16GB of internal memory. This model also has a built in DVB-H receiver for digital TV signals in Europe and Asia, and a kickstand for desktop viewing. Also new are the backlit touchbuttons on the face, dialpad and top slider section of the phone. When playing media, they show the typical play/pause/ff/rr functions; when gaming on the N-Gage gaming platform, they show control pad buttons. Approx $800, but likely no US 3G support.


  • green_lemon

[改變不能接受的, 接受不能改變的]
好酷啊!$ m  [+ z  S8 z5 p4 X7 n0 z
. h) E' l1 [1 ~7 O& E3 z* CTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。手機記憶多好多!仲有記憶卡插槽!
( M7 B/ _& Y5 h# w3 r可惜冇氙氣閃光燈。

keng aaaa
this phone look very cool
thank for sharing
哦~www3.tvboxnow.com3 d2 p- k. ~8 o# y& U4 C- ?
* r" s1 m6 u0 H6 G公仔箱論壇我满喜欢~# [0 C1 H% x* X: w  i
哈哈~ ! y2 P2 [' M5 A& l2 z
虽然有16GB容量。。。但系比起SDHC卡差好远:onion14: TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。: h  }2 {. y5 f* f  {
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完全係N81 樣'
& o, a9 q5 p1 E如果舊電冇N95咁快冇,,,,tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb  N$ |4 `6 N/ i; l. j
. p2 M( |5 F7 `, r% `. h6 g0 @/ ]www3.tvboxnow.com未免太貴/
thans for sharing
Thanks For Sharing!!!
《新》The Nokia N96 Super Cellphone is Official