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現在 :NOTE 3LTE $6198.賣出  IPHONE-5S $5588.賣出
" Y8 e1 E' i# ^6 O( i0 B8 l8 R 一年後今日 :NOTE 3LTE $2300.回收      IPHONE-5S $3800.回收# C7 c' o$ y# n8 x+ x
                 折舊: $3898.                    折舊: $1788.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb2 {& O, s" @, `( X
                 平均每月租值:$325              平均每月租值:$149.
I also like note 3
note 3
I have used the Note 3 for  more than a month already. Really don't want to talk how pretty is the screen or how wonderful is the pen. The only thing I want to talk about is the battery. I checked email a lot.  played a little game. you tube a little. Most of the time is the whatapp and Line, about 15 to 20 calls a day. I used it for Netflex only once. What I love this toy is everynight when I want to recharge it. It shown me 75 to 85 %.It never happened to all my other phones before.Now what I do is when it still have more than 80% I do not recharge it . I don't know how long can this battery work this long,but for the time being. I loved it.
長遠計ANDORID 系統會比IPOHNE好,是關人地係免費既開源既,大把人去完善個系統改進個系統
/ J* T6 G& i' `0 d4 ^: ?+ P2 u按牌子黎計既話IPOHNE係有優勢,佢D 硬件的確係唔錯,佢又係的確幾出名,但係加下IPONHE出黎出去都係加少少野當新機賣有D 昆消費者既感覺,硬件係就係穩定但係無咩點大改
  L/ {& k8 l+ A$ MTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。另外就係IPOHNE 既專利期就快到期,到左期之後佢會變成點無人知,佢加下可以橫行到咁主要都係因為專利既問題,再其次就係IPONHE勁多功能你唔係美國本土你根本就感受唔到優點係邊度,係美國以外既地方用IPONHE 好大程度黎講係虛榮心既問題,TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。: u7 a$ B4 c/ O* i# ]1 \! B
Note 3 with 3G Ram and larger Mon.
my colleague said samsung is easy defective.
I Phone is stable, but you need to suffer I phone not easy to compact to others
In fact samsung tune their hardware to max output, that why it is easy overheat and then defective
Me Too....
如果only 2選1, 咁一定Note3, 其實仲有LG, HTC , SONY 都
nexus以外o既android 真係麻麻地, 始終俾o的廠嚴重弱化左個system