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不用看他人用的 自己喜歡就好了 不過三星很多人都在用喔
HTC....9 ?) B( M) x' I  q! `/ l
very solid and good in most areas.. Sound, screen, and news feed.
依幾年我覺得HTC d 機都麻麻地,
HTC在亞洲始終唔係咁多人認同!看看能否以這一部THE ONE打開更大的市場!
Then, how come Samsung sell more phone than HTC??公仔箱論壇% l' o2 }2 d7 U( _
what I hate the most:
  q# [  `( U) |5 O8 Vwww3.tvboxnow.com1st, if your device freeze... you can't take the battery out
7 Y/ d% J9 ]6 ~7 H/ |. [公仔箱論壇2nd, if  you want to put a couple more movie and songs in a mix... Unfortunately, it is internal memory.  For Samsung user, they simply buy a SD memory which support up to 64GB in just a swap.
and... from the model of S3 and Note2,  they all support OTG for regular USB, for HDMI, Keyboard which is anything you can think of .